How To Sell Oberon Valuer

between MX so as you know  recently lacks your amex provided the  opt blue program and so now we can all  make a little bit of money on processing  MX cards in the past we would only make  a little transaction fee by passing that  transaction off to amex well guess what  now we can make money on the processing  as well as the communication or  transaction

fee now at visa mastercard  discover they have an interchange rate  based on the the card type now with MX  they have about  different levels of  interchange  but they only have about nine different  channels they work with and what MX is  done they basically have three different  pricing interchange levels for each  business type so for retail under $  they’re interchange rate would be one  rate and then if the average transaction  jumps from  like a hundred and fifty  dollars they’re going to pay a little  bit higher of an interchange rate and  then if that average

ticket or that  transaction jumps above House Valuers oberon that one hundred  and fifty dollars they can actually pay  a third rate so once again for Visa  Mastercard Discover it doesn’t matter  what the average ticket looks like it’s  the card type that determines the  interchange but with MX the actual  average ticket value is going to affect  what that interchange rate might look  like and once again you can go to amex  website I’ve also created a deck on amex  if you’d like to see that I’m sure  that’ll be one of the training programs  we put you through in the future but the

  deck is on the group partner portal  right now under amex if you want to view  that yourself but what once again I  recommend you gather the knowledge and  don’t think that you have to know every  interchange level if you are a tiered  person if that’s how you like to price  your merchants in a three or four tier  model just understand the bulk of where  the cards are going to fall into ik a  plane wrap credit card and the debit  cards they’re going

to fall into the  qualified rate the rewards cards and a  key transaction or basically going to  fall into that mid quarry hey and my nan  cual rates those are going to be on my  procurement cards my corporate cards my  world traveled in entertainment cards  that’s what

Allen Brown