The Importance of an Adelaide strata building insurance valuation

It is important to have an Adelaide strata building insurance valuation for a number of reasons.

Firstly, if your strata building is underinsured, you may be required to pay for any damages caused by a natural disaster or other event out of your own pocket.

Secondly, if your strata building is overinsured, you may be paying more for your Adelaide strata building insurance valuation than you need to.

An Adelaide strata building insurance valuation will take into account a number of factors, including the replacement value of your strata building, the type of construction, the age of the building and the location.

A professional valuer will be able to provide you with an accurate insurance valuation for your strata building.

If you are concerned that your Adelaide strata building insurance valuation may be underinsured, you should contact your strata building insurer and arrange for a professional valuation to be carried out.

Allen Brown